We went with several people from our group and whenever we would stop, a crowd would gather. We split up and went shopping with just our family.
The above picture is of what happens when you take two 8 yr old boys with brown and blonde hair to a store full of teenage Chinese girls!
Trey and Dillon don't really get what all the fuss is about and certainly don't like it (especially Trey), but we have tried to explain that they are just interested and we are different. They will also think it is much cooler in about 4 or 5 years.
Here are some more pictures of the day:
Here are the daily pictures of Coee:
She has been a bit of a daddy's girl today and is generally not happy unless she is with Terrell, as evidenced by him taking this picture and leaving her for a minute.
Thanks for all the comments, we love to get them and hate it when it is the middle of the night in the states.
we are "doing our new daily" - get up, turn on the computer, check the blog. Love the pictures -all of them. Trey and Dillon, we can tell, are really digging the girls!!! HA You guys need to know that this is a hint of what is to come - and in a few years you WILL enjoy it!! Glad that Coee is bonding and is such a spunky little thing! And, it looks like she CAN belt it out! hugs and kisses to the FIVE of you!
The pictures are great, it looks like you need to find Trey a skatepark so he can be a hit there also. Did anyone have the squid on a stick? Coee still seems to be adapting very well. She will be Granddaddy Mike's girl, when she finds out how much she can use me to get what she wants. Have a Great Day!!!
Love Granddaddy Mike
It looks like Coee is really enjoying the company of her new family, especially being in the middle of the mischief of those two brothers. There will be alot more of that to come! Enjoy waking up to your posts every day. Can't wait to see you guys. Tired of Chinese food yet?!
Ooooohhhh! Look how much fun you guys are having. This will be the best Christmas of your lives. She is a doll.
I think Trey & Dillion will be ready to go back when they are about 16 :).
Hi Iam having trouble getting my comments to post. We are loving your messages Can/t wait to get them. momopeggy
She's beautiful guys! She's been a fixture in our hearts and imaginations for so long now that to finally see you all together as family is so heart warming. Renee and I are so happy for you guys. Can't wait to meet her.
have a safe return trip,
I'm having trouble posting also.
You all look so good and Coee looks so happy. The food doesn't look so good to me but Trey and Dillon in the middle of all the girls - sorry boys "ADORABLE". Take care of each other - I can't wait for you to come home.
All of my love,
Hi Guys!
She is Beautiful & you all look wonderful together. Someday soon the boys will look back on all the attention & wish for another trip to China.....well, except for the food. Have fun holding your little girl. These first minutes FLY by! I know this will be the best Christmas ever for all of you. Travel Safely Home!
I am so happy for you all!! I can't wait to get up in the morning just to see if you have posted more pictures. It will be more real to me when Brian, Paisley and I get to come home for Christmas! I am so happy that we get to share a very special Christmas together. We have our little girls to thank for that. Love you all and can't wait to see you soon.
markus and I are sitting here enjoying your family adventures.
we are so happy to see baby coee. she is darling. i bet the boys are enjoying learning about their baby sister. we loved the picture of baby coee sucking in her cheeks-definitely a keeper for her high school graduation party. please give her a sweet little hug from her cousins in the U.P.
Terrell, here sits two blondes working on this for 35 mins. We are having trouble with the password. Hope this one works.
We love the pictures. Love getting up in the mornings and running to the computer to see what you have been doing the previous day. Trey and Dillon, I know the girls "love you"
Here we go again. Each time the comment page is different. We do ok till we have to come up with a password. It tells us that we have to sign in to the google account first and then when we do we lose our comment. Momo says that you are probably getting a good laugh out of this. We are having fun too. Love her and the boys for us. Keep those cards and letters coming. Pictures too.
Michelle, I know how you feel, Jonathan prefered John to me when we got him too. (He is still a Daddy's boy, come to think of it!)
I have heard a theory or two on why children that have been in foster care are more likely to bond to the man first, I do think it is common. After about the third day, he decided that I was pretty nice to have around too.
Coee is blessed to have such a great family, and you all are so blessed to have such a precious daughter! Sending lots of prayers your way!
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