She is learning new words as fast as we can think of them to teach her. Some of her repertoire is: Daddy, Mama, D (Dillon), Trey, puppy, Dynamite, Momo, Bop Bop, Meme, eat, drink, truck, dirty, cookie, candy, night night, bappy (paci), hot, duck, aya (said forcefully with a kick, product of watching Trey and Dillon's Tae Kwon Do class), and go. Speaking of go, she thinks she is ready to go. Whenever the grandparents come to visit, she accompanies them to their car when they are leaving and tugs on the door handle, saying go.!
She is growing by leaps and bounds, as she should be with all that she eats. Her Bop Bop says he has never seen any kid eat as much and enjoy it as much as she does. She is passionate about most any fruit as well as the egg drop soup from a local Chinese restaurant. Going to eat there with her is more entertainment for us than anything else. Remember when Dillon was worried about her hitting her head on the bath tub faucet, which she fit underneath when we first came home? Well, she can no longer fit underneath said faucet! Enjoy the pictures!!