Trey and Dillon had their tenth birthday party at our house. It was scheduled for (what turned out to be) during the ice storm, so we rescheduled it for a couple of weeks later. They all had a great time.

We had all agreed several months ago that, for their tenth birthdays, we would split the cost of dirt bikes with them. Part of the fun was searching for them, but Terrell and the boys were pretty good at locating the bikes. One came from near Henderson, KY and the other came from TN. They have adapted to riding them very well and are having a great time riding most every day. The only down side is that we have plenty of trails for them to ride on through the woods. However, the ice storm has made them impassable. It's going to take alot of work to get the trails cleared of storm debris (i.e. limbs and tree tops) so that they can ride them. It will happen, though.