Saturday, March 8, 2008


Although the forecast was for four to six inches of snow, we ended up with just a couple of inches. Since it is March, we are assuming this is the last chance for a decent snow, so we made the most of it. Sledding and snow boarding around our house once again quickly turned into mud boarding, so we took the boys to a park about 30 miles away. We had a lot of fun while the snow held out today, but we definitely will be making a bee line there the next time we have snow!!

Trey snowboarding beside our house.

Mommy & Coee

The aftermath of a brotherly snowball fight.

Trey jumping a snow ramp. Terrell and I really believe we will be visiting him in Colorado in 15 years!

This snow and sledding is good, but having cookies in the car with mommy is where it's at!

"Old" Friends

We went to St. Louis a couple of weekends ago. We lived right outside of St. Louis in Illinois for a bit over two years from 2002 to 2004. Our first stop during our weekend was to visit with Andrea and Amanda and their parents Jimmy and Ellen. They were our neighbors when we lived there and these four kids had LOTS of great times together. If they were home, they were together; either outside or at either one of our houses. They did everything from make a club house in the pine trees to play on the swing sets to catch lightning bugs to share a cat!!! Well, four years later... they have certainly grown up a lot but they immediately jumped in like they had never been apart! Can you believe these nine, eight and twelve year olds have "old friends?"
Dillon, Andrea, Amanda & Trey

We brought them to the hotel with us to swim. We then found out that the Hyatt-Union Station has no indoor pool. So, we improvised with a hotel room party!