Saturday, March 8, 2008


Although the forecast was for four to six inches of snow, we ended up with just a couple of inches. Since it is March, we are assuming this is the last chance for a decent snow, so we made the most of it. Sledding and snow boarding around our house once again quickly turned into mud boarding, so we took the boys to a park about 30 miles away. We had a lot of fun while the snow held out today, but we definitely will be making a bee line there the next time we have snow!!

Trey snowboarding beside our house.

Mommy & Coee

The aftermath of a brotherly snowball fight.

Trey jumping a snow ramp. Terrell and I really believe we will be visiting him in Colorado in 15 years!

This snow and sledding is good, but having cookies in the car with mommy is where it's at!

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