For those of you that see us, talk to us, facebook with us, etc., you know that Coee is a "BUSY" girl. Here are just a couple of pictures of the things she got in to today. However, I did not think to take pictures of the SEVEN works of art she created on our kitchen floor yesterday - with a SHARPIE, no less. I was shocked to discover that they came up pretty easily when I found the first four, and even more shocked when I discovered the additional three a few hours later!!
She helped herself to some icee pops. Unfortunately, they hadn't been frozen yet. Notice the green drops splashed up all over the cabinet.
and, of course all over the floor. As much as she spills and I clean up after her, we should have the cleanest floors in Calipari-land. Oh yeah...her next move was to get on her stomach and LICK the popcicle off of the floor!! Nice.
She LOVES to walk around in these shoes, and does a pretty good job of it too. She had walked in them all the way from our closet to the kitchen. Trey and I taught her the finer points of Easter egg hunting tonight too. That was after he took her outside to go "muddin" on the little ride-on tractor. She loved it. And what outfit is complete without a splash of color from a rope?