Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break - Monday

Spring Break is turning out to not be very "spring-y." Monday was in the 40's and got as warm as low 60's. By afternoon, Trey was tired of being inside. He bundled Coee up and took her "mudding" on the ride-on tractor. He is a great big brother and the two of them do especially well playing together outside.

This is what Dillon spent his first official day of Spring Break doing...stayed on the couch in his pajamas, watching t.v.

The "Mudder's"

Time Out

This is where Coee was at 8:00 am this morning. She got herself in to a time out because she refused to come to me so I could change her diaper. I'd say "come here". She would respond with "No!" Finally, I said "Okay, then go to time out." The boxes were in her normal time out spot so she responded with "boxes!" I told her to just sit beside them. She did. She had no problem putting herself in time out, just did not want her wet diaper changed.

Can't you see the defiance in her eyes and crossed arms?

This is when she was so mad she wouldn't look at me. Yes, she has two different color socks on. I had two of the same, but she took one off and added the second color. Personality plus!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break & Mess of The Day

We went to St. Louis for the weekend to kick off Trey and Dillon's Spring Break. It's a good thing, because it is 39 degrees and rainy today. It was a perfect day for the zoo on Saturday and the spring flowers were beautiful. Coee's favorite animals were the monkeys. I think Trey and Dillon liked watching the sea lions best. Their favorite part of the weekend, however, was getting to see our former neighbors; Andrea, Amanda, Jimmy and Ellen. Amanda is six months younger than Trey and Dillon. We lived there when Trey, Dillon and Amanda were around 3-5 years old and moved away five years ago. These kids are friends FOREVER...they jump right in to playing together just like they see each other every day. Trey and Dillon spent the night there Saturday night and Amanda went to the Magic House with us on Sunday. They opted to leave the Magic House a little early so that they could have a little time to play in the creek with Amanda before heading home. We have plans for Amanda and Andrea (if she wants to come - she is 13 now) to spend some time with us this summer.

In addition - I have included a picture of Coee's "Mess of The Day." It's still early, so this probably won't be the only one.

Birthday party, anyone?

Coee used to like having her picture made. Now it just always looks like she is getting ready to go somewhere.

Trey and Dillon watching the sea lions.

On the move.

Great photo op with the pretty tulips. Again, it looks like Coee is heading out...