We arrived in Nanchang on Sunday and have spent two very full days here! We got Coee yesterday, so that was a very intense day with our emotions, being part of 11 other families getting their children, knowing that taking Coee away from all that she knows is so hard for her, and all the other things that go into an adoption of an 11 month old little girl.
Last night Coee cried until about 10:00, her normal bedtime is 8:00. But once she got to sleep, she did great. She is a "loud" sleeper. She "talked" a lot in her sleep and moved around from one end of the crib to the other all night long, but she didn't cry at all. Dillon got in bed with me around 3:00 am, wide awake. I was trying to get him to go back to sleep but he ended up watching her move around in her crib and we both were laughing at 3:00 am!! Dillon gave up on sleeping at around 4:00 so he woke Trey up (didn't know he was going to do that) and they started watching movies and didn't go back to sleep until tonight at 8:00 pm.
Today was a whole different ballgame with her. She was happy, content, and ate good. She seems to take after her big brother Dillon a bit, in that she is very funny. She likes to mimic faces we make, specializing in sticking her tongue out, nodding her head, throwing her head back and - the specialty- an excellent fish face (see picture below). She did get fussy with us when we woke her up from her nap at 3:30 and put her on the bus with us for our trip to Super Wal-Mart! Yes, they have them in China too. If you think the Friday after Thanksgiving is busy in the US, just come to Wal-Mart in China on a Monday! There were 74 check-out lanes. The Wal Mart is three stories, so they have an escalator that you can take your cart on.
We felt like Brad and Angelina, with all of the people staring at us. Most would stare, smile, giggle, wave and say "hi", just wanting us to say something to them. I mean everyone was staring at us!! Trey and Dillon had their own followers, mostly teenage girls. They would stand and stare, giggle and wave. I think it goes without saying, Trey and Dillon were not amused and did not go along with the "Come on, just wave. It will make their day." attitude.
We spent the morning finalizing the adoption of Coee. We first went back to the adoption affairs office to have an "interview" with an adoption official. They took a picture of Coee, Terrell and I for a "family" picture as well as one of just her for her passport. Then, we went to a notary and then to the police department for them to have a record of Coee's face. Three stops, about three hours, it's done. We walked out and I said "That was easy." What I have always heard is true: Once your daughter is placed in your arms, the wait will melt away. Three years, a two inch thick dossier, countless "hoops" to jump through over and over again. She is so worth it! And as of today, it is official............she is our little girl!
When I say "we" did this and that, I mean the group of eleven families traveling with us. We have a guide named Dennis. He is awesome. He does everything from having our bags picked up and taken to the airport to check for us to bringing us the formula and rice cereal our babies are used to, to taking us to Wal Mart to "supervising" Trey and Dillon's hide-and-seek game in the hall, because someone was cheating. (I have no idea how you hide in a hotel hall, but Dillon quit playing tonight because he could never find Trey's hiding place.) Dennis will stay with us the whole two weeks. Trey and Dillon love him and are always saying that they are running down to Dennis' room to see what he is doing. They can tell you exactly where he is anytime of the day.
It's 9:00 pm here and all three (THREE!) of our kids are down for the night. We made Trey and Dillon stay up later than 7:00 tonight so maybe there won't be movies at 3:00 am. Coee fought hard again tonight, but finally fell asleep about 8:45. We have a free day tomorrow, but Dennis has offered to take us to the Pedestrian Avenue where there is lots of shopping and touristy shops. Trey and Dillon are ready to shop.
Thank you for all the comments. We love to read them. Keep them coming!
Terrell, Michelle, Trey, Dillon and Coee
Terrell, Michelle, Trey, Dillon, and Coee!
Amy and I are so happy for your family. It is great to read your posts and see the wonderful pictures. Coee is a blessed little girl, and I know that the boys will be great big brothers!
God bless you, and I can't wait to see Coee with my own two eyes.
Romans 8:14-17
Todd Brady
What a Happy Little Girl!!!! God has blessed her and your family and the extended family. Your three children look so happy together. Enjoy yourself now and keep making memories.
Love you all,
I am going to stop wearing make-up till after the 14th. It does no good to have it on when I read your posts. This one was particularly touching and wonderful because it is now official!! Terrell, I am constantly reminded of the day we picked you up as I follow this story. Now you know how we felt to get you on November 1, 1965!!! Trey and Dillon, smile for the camera, o.k.?????
Wow! I am so happy for you that you have your little girl and made it safely. It sounds like she is fitting right in with her big brothers! What a blessing!
Love you all,
Elizabeth & Dalton
What a good looking family! Glad to hear all is going well. You are truly blessed.
Randy & Stacey
It is SO wonderful to get to see pictures of you all and your wonderful journey!! Coee is so beautiful and you all look so happy! (I'm like Tonya--I cry every time I look at the website...) Enjoy every minute--our prayers are with you!
aww i love reading your thingys!! or posts..i CANT WAIT TILL YOU GUYS COME HOME AND I GET TO SEE COEE!! shes SOOO cute and im soo excited to teach her the ropes haha LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
***this comment is from paige by the way :)
Hi ya'll, thought the boys might be disappointed if I didn't say that.
She is beautiful and looks very well adjusted!
We can't wait for you to get back to the States so we can meet her!!!
We get up and check each morning for new post. How were the beds in Beiging? CIAO for Now Jill, Daniel and the girls.
It just doesn't seem real. Michelle, I can remember all the times we have talked about this and now Coee is here. I am so excited that my heart is about to burst. It is a dream come true and a thousand prayers answered for a great family that I respect and love.
I can see already that Coee has a spark in her eye and she will have no problem handling ALL the boys around the house even.... Tristan.
Trey and Dillon, I can't wait to hear about your favorite place to visit and the food!
Take care and safe travels!
Well I looked this morning before leaving the house and could not wait to get home to see new post Chad told me it was good. It is wonderful, I Love the "Fish Face" and she seems like she fit's in with Trey and Dillon well. Hey Trey and Dillon have you changed any dirty diapers yet? You had better wave to the girls! Have FUN!!!
Love Granddaddy MIke
i am with Tonya, you guys are making me cry daily. She is so beautiful, she looks like a mess! All is well here, the house is just a bit warmer.
We love you guys and can't wait for you to bring her home. Ethan says he can't wait to see her.
It is 11:00 p.m. in Pittsburgh and we just arrived. I could not wait to get inside the hotel to go to the business center to see the new pictures of Coee and family. She is so cute and it was great to see the picture with the proud Dad. I loved the picture with Trey and Dillon. She does make a good fish face.
I showed Audrey Coee's picture tonight and she is very excited about palying with another China sister. I look forward to your every post. I am thinking about you guys many times a day, wishing I was there again.
Isn't it awesome to be a part of God's great plan for this little girl?! To think He brought your family from Paducah, KY and connected you to an abandoned little girl in China is something only He could do! It's as miraculous as childbirth itself!! Enjoy China and we will continue to pray for all of you! Love, The Meals
WHAT A GREAT FISH FACE! She is BEAUTIFUL, even making a fish face! What a wonderful experience for your boys to wittness this miricle with you! It seems like they are fitting into their roles as big brothers nicely!
We are SO excited for you all, and can't wait for you to return with your precious Coee! Our prayers and thoughts are with you!
John and Laura
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