Today we had our "swearing in" ceremony at the US Consulate here in Guangzhou. A large room full of probably 50 families who were all adopting children met at the Consulate this afternoon to get our kids visa's so that they can enter the US and become citizens thru one of two methods: 1.) In most states, since we have adopted them, as soon as we enter US airspace or land in the US, they become US citizens. 2.) In some states or if one of the adopted parents aren't here in China, the child has to be re-adopted in the US to become a citizen.
We are in the number 1) group, so as soon as we land, Coee is a citizen.
This morning, we had another leisurely breakfast and took a walk around the grounds of our hotel outside the breakfast restaurant (see picture below). It is a very peaceful place in this urban jungle of Guangzhou.
I went back to Liwan Plaza today for a little extra shopping for things that Michelle needed. If possible, I will take our video camera there tomorrow and video the scene. It is completely unlike anything I have ever experienced shopping anywhere (even New York City). In this one shopping center and surrounding streets, there are probably 1,000 stores or more in an area of about the size of our mall and mall parking lot. There are thousands of people there too, all the stores are doing good business.
My ability to do enough sign language to purchase what we need was tested today by our need for an Albuterol inhaler for Michelle. Her persistent cough has caused her alot of problem at night, so one of the Doctors in our group adopting a child (there are 3) told me to get her an inhaler. Well, let me tell you, trying to explain an inhaler to people who don't speak your language is quite a fun task. I drew pictures, mimiced asthma and breathing problems and anything else I could think of at the drug store that I found. Finally after the picture I drew, they understood a little and showed me the area they were in behind the counter. And no, you don't need a script for them. It is made by Glaxo Smith Kline, so I felt pretty good about it and got it for $4!!! I understand they are quite a bit more than that in the US.
Tomorrow we are going back to Shiamen Island and buying a few more things for Coee. After that, we are headed back to the hotel and start packing. We get our wake up call at 4:30 am on Friday. Our guides get our checked luggage to the airport for us and get us to the airport by 6:30 for our 8:30 flight to Hong Kong. We then leave Hong Kong at 11:00 and arrive in Chicago at 11:09 am the same day, but 14 hours later! The time change is gonna be pretty odd for us. We will have some kind of night of sleep and still arrive on Friday before noon!
We then leave Chicago at 3:30 or so and arrive in Nashville at 5:30 pm if everything goes as planned.
Well enough about all that, here is what Coee is doing!
We went to eat tonight at an Italian restaurant with most of our group and Coee showed out! She is very loud and is a camera hound! She also does many of her tricks on demand, so Trey and Dillon enjoy showing her off!
She had our whole table cracking up at her noises, faces and smiles.
Well I am going for now, we will post tomorrow night and then be ready to head home! We are all looking forward to getting back to the US and see how Coee adjusts to everything and to see everyone again. We appreciate all the love and support you guys have sent our way. It has made the time hear go by quickly having a routine of getting comments and posting everyday.
Yippee!!! I don't want to wish your time away in China - I just want you home - safe and sound with that adorable little girl. I have loved the postings and the pictures - what wonderful memories.
My girls call me everyday and asked if I saw the pictures and then we comment on how cute and adorable she is. What a personality!
Love you all,
Can't wait to have you all home. You will be in our prayers for a safe journey back. See you soon!
Elizabeth, Dalton, & Carter
I can hardly wait for all of you to be home. The pictures today were very special to me. Michelle, you look so happy. The pictures were very emotional for me. It makes your mother so very happy to see you so happy with your wonderful family. Bill and I commented at the same time how happy and at peace you look. This little girl took a long time, but she was definitely worth the wait.
As I write my comments I am blotting tears from my eyes. Of course you know what a cry baby I am.
It was so great that Coee has a phenominal sense of humor. I know it is fun for you to see her blossom and her personality shine through. We can't wait to experience all of her and all of her interacting with all of you first hand.
The blog spot has just be wonderful for all of us back at home to have and get to keep up with your everyday and the pictures have helped all of us get through the long two week wait.
This was such a great idea. We have all anxiously waited from one morning to the next to see the next pictures and hear from all of you.
Trey and Dillon I knew you would like your little sister and find her to be a lot of fun. Can't wait for you to show her off to all of us.
Mother (Meme)
What a wonderful experience you all have had. I feel like I have experienced the trip too with your blog and your pictures. Just didn't get to enjoy the excitement of picking up a precious little baby girl. Your two girls looks so happy and your two boys look happy too. What a sweet family. Again, Coee is so lucky and blessed to have you, as a family to come get her and let her live in this country.She has so many people waiting to see her. I am so sorry that my plane leaves Nashville at
6:00 that night, and I will not be able to see her till I get back from Ok. I know the excitemenet of seeing her will probably be heard all over that airport.Keep some pictures coming so I can see this reunion while I am out in Ok. with Clint. Ok. is iced in now and is getting from 2 to 5 inches of snow on Fri. night.Hope I can get there before that happens. We will come home on the 22nd, and I hope you will be at the lake sometime during the Christmas week. Donna and Billy are to be here sometime during that week and I know they would like to see all of you too. Michelle,I hope you can travel well with that cold. Chew some gum and keep those ears open. Have a safe trip and thanks for letting us tag along. Ina and Clint.
OK!!! Now this is awesome...I cried too when I saw the pics. I am soooo excited for you. I have been keep the girls at work updated too. I hope we can do a girls shopping weekend sometime in the summer when it is warm.
I am going to finish up the video when you finish posting pics. I have to be in Paducah on friday. I know you will not be there but I will put it on your door.
Please have a safe trip... and I will pray that Trey, Dillon & Coee SLEEP alot on your flights :)
Wonderful pictures this morning We can hardly wait till Fri. Trey&Dillon just be ready I want lots of hugs& kisses!!!! Do you thinkCoee will let me kiss&hug???? I know this has beena wonderful time for all of you but we are ready for it to be OVER and all of you (5) to be home save& sound.Our Prayers will be for a smooth trip home!!! love you all mom-o& BopBop
Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe flight home.
So excited you are almost home!! Wasn't this the most amazing trip ever!! So happy for your family and can't wait to see you all together finally!! This will be the best Christmas for all of us! Merry Christmas and we will be praying for a safe and quick flight home!!
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