After we finished and passed the medical exam, we were free to shop on Shamian Island. Shamian Island has largely become the adoptive families haven. There are many small shops geared towards the adoptive family and their Chinese daughters. We bought everything from squeaky shoes for Coee (see picture below, but I'm not finished shopping for those yet) to a traditional Chinese dress to two new suitcases to carry all of our purchases home in. Trey and Dillon racked up by each getting a SET of swords, plus a practice sword each. They are out in the hall now "practicing" with them. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we only had two hours to shop. Boy did we do some damage in those two hours.
Then all of the families met at the White Swan hotel for the traditional "Red Couch Photo." As all American families adopting from China have to pass through Guangzhou to receive their daughters visa, most families have stayed at the White Swan Hotel. It is a tradition to have the babies pictures made on a (the) red couch in the hotel in their traditional Chinese outfits. Imagine the chaos. Eleven babies, each with at least two accompanying adults and some with accompanying siblings. Lunch time. Let's put them all on the couch and take a photo! Who thought of this tradition? Coee was in the middle of her bottle, so she cried the whole time - big time. She was not alone. I'm guessing there were maybe two babies that were not crying. Big fun. See picture below.
Following the photo opp, we all went for a traditional Dim Sum lunch. This is where you sit at a large round table with a lazy susan in the middle of it. They bring lots of different dishes for all to share. Trey and Dillon generally hold out for the fried rice or noodles during these dinners. Fortunately, they generally end up having one or the other to eat.
After our big morning, we spent the afternoon in the hotel watching movies and resting. Trey and Dillon have had ramen noodles for dinner, and Coee is following in their footsteps in regard to their love for ramen noodles. She had to have some too.
Coee is doing great. We have had much better bedtimes the past two nights. Instead of rocking her, we just put her on the bed with us and she WOLLERS (sp?) all over the bed until she finally gives out and falls asleep. It took almost 45 minutes last night. She is happy the whole time, doesn't cry, and doesn't try to get off the bed or even near the side. She was non-stop activity, like a wiggle worm, for the full 45 minutes. But it works, and it is better than the hour of crying that we had a week ago. Can you believe we have had her over a week already? We can't, but it kind of seems that she has always been here too. It's good to have that week behind us and know her and her wants/needs. I know that she doesn't cry unless she is hungry or tired. We know that she is a funny, funny little girl, full of personality. She knows how to get attention (by being loud) and LOVES the camera. We got the camera out a bit ago to take a picture of all of her shoes. She got so excited, thinking we were going to take her picture. She loves noodles, and watermelon. I told her that it is going to be sad when we leave here because we won't have watermelon until next summer, but I bet there are several people that will happily plant extra so she'll have all she wants. Oh -one more thing we have learned - she really wants a Nintendo DS like her brothers have. She can't keep her hands off of those things. We told her it would be several years. She can do patty cake. Terrell has been trying to teach her that he is Daddy, so he says "Daddy" and pats his chest. Since she is an expert at mimicing, she will pat her chest too. So now if we ask her where is daddy?, she pats her chest. Oh well. She loves to laugh and smile and does so at every opportunity. When she cries she goes from "waaaa" to "mmmmm" to "ooooooo" and it is REALLY cute.
We have a free day tomorrow. The only thing we have to do is be in the room from 10:00 - 12:00 while Dennis takes our paperwork to the U.S. Consulate to complete the adoption according to the U.S. We have to stay in the room in case they have questions, so he can get in touch with us immediately. After that, we will be back out shopping. Looking forward to Friday and seeing you all. Thank you so much for all of the comments. Please keep them coming. Trey and Dillon wake up before dawn and want to see the comments. Terrell and I usually read them around 3:00 am. Obviously, they are very important to us.
Trey and Dillon's class, here is another question for you:
In China, a "large" city is one that has over 5 million people in it. How many large cities are in China and in the US?
Talk to you tomorrow!
Coee was pretty good at the Dr.'s office.
They checked her hearing too.
How cool!!! REAL sowrds awesome. Nolan would love it. Did you ever get to see the video? I need to update again today.
I LOVE the shoes... Are there web sites we could order from? Macie wold look soooo cute in some of those.
The kids are loving getting on the comp. every morning to see the baby Coee :).
Coee has passed the first test, a true female, shoes, shoes and more shoes. Don't we just love them?
Trey, have you gotten your kite yet? I bet Dillon was happy about the tv's in the room.
It sounds like Coee is learning new things very quickly and is totally loving all of you. I guess she is going to be instantly computer savy (sp?) too.
I am so ready for all of you to be home. We are really enjoying the postings each day.
Yesterday at the mall, we saw and heard a little girl with those squeaky shoes on and we all three (Heather, Amanda and myself) said "Coee". What a happy little girl!!! The guys look as if they have totally fell in love with their baby sister. And all of you look like you are having a wonderful time. OK, so it's time to come home. Be safe.
I love the "crying" picture! You all must have been cracking up! Was Coee reaching/looking for you? And, the shoes . . . WOW! Now, she just needs a pair of baby UGGS!!
Trey and Dillon!! What in the world are you going to do with those swords? clean fish? gut deer? clear the woods? I am anxious to hear the story of the swords and to see if they make it through customs!!! What are you guys looking the most forward to doing right when you get home? Do you have any eating preferences for when we go out to eat Friday night? I Christmas shopped for you guys today - can't wait for you to open your gifts on Christmas. What do you think Coee would like? I am depending on you to tell me!
Michelle, it was good to hear from YOU in the blog! Sounds like Coee is your girl - 2 hour nap!!!
Love to you all -
Can't wait to see her and Cameron interact. From the sound of the "WOLLERING" we don't need her and Cameron taking any naps together there could be some serious damage done. Maybe it's an Asian thing?
Woah! Those are some serious swords! I am not going to let Dalton read today's posting or he will want some!!
Can't wait for you all to get home. I have so enjoyed reading about your trip, thanks for letting me tag along. Have a great last few days.
Oh by the way, we found Trey's dictionary.
Love Elizabeth & Dalton
I'm with you even think they will let you fly with those swords?? I'd love to see the look on the face of the inspector who opens that suitcase! "anything to declare???" - "Yes! 56 pairs of shoes & 3 deadly swords!"
Shoes & swords aside, it will be great to know you guys are back safe & sound with a bigger family than you left with! It seems like Coee is fitting in wonderfully. From the sofa picture I don't think she wants to be away from you at all!
I got Tristan and Coee's Christmas gift this afternoon. Tomorrow I go for the boys gifts. I can't wait for Friday to get here looking forward to seeing all of you. Hey Trey and Dillon I really like the swords! Continue to have FUN!!!
Love Granddaddy Mike
Hey Guys,
We are ready for y'all to come home.
It is amazing how much of her character seems to come through pictures.
Wow swords huh, good idea.
Have you seen any cool bicycles?
Things are still good at the house, though i will have to clean before Friday. I suppose.
OK--so if Coee masters the Nintendo DS before she's a year old does that mean she'll be a doctor by the time she's 12? (She may need to be a doctor to supply her shoe fetish by then...)and it's looks like Trey and Dillon will have completed their Ninja training by the time you all get home! WOW-what swords! I can't show Matthew that picture either or I'll never hear the end of it...You know, it always has been never-a-dull-moment at the Anderson house!! Can't wait til ya'll get home!
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