Anyone that has met Coee knows that she is a happy girl. She only cries if she is hungry, tired, hurt or wakes up in the middle of the night. She has a ready, wonderful smile; with dimples high on each cheek. Terrell and I find ourselves with tears in our eyes all the time, just watching her smile and laugh at simple things that we take for granted. Here is an (incomplete) list of some of the things that make Coee happy:
* She loves to see her brothers get off of the bus. When the bus pulls up, we stand her in the doorway at the front door. As they step off of the bus, she laughs and claps and screams and bounces. Even the kids on the bus and the bus driver watch for this each and every day now. Trey and Dillon love it. It's a big hit for everyone involved.
* She loves it when she has company. She looks out the front door and gets so excited to see any of her grandparents coming up the walk. (Incidentally, we are seeing all of them a lot more these days. I wonder why?)
* She LOVES music. Therefore she loves church. She will "sing" with each song, and even sometimes after the song is over, which leads to her own personal parent-guided tour of the rest of the church.
Unfortunately, Terrell pegged it when she heard Led Zepplin for the first time. He commented on how well she liked it because she had stopped crying and started singing and clapping. I though it was "beginners luck." No. She loves it. She gets quiet then claps and sings along. Now Trey, Dillon and I are fortunate enough to get to listen to "XMLED" (all Led Zepplin, all the time @#$%&!) non-stop when we are in the truck. He says"It's for Coee." How convenient.
* She loves to make noise and be heard. One of her (all of our) favorite things to do in the truck (when the boys and I are oh so tired of XMLED) is to sing or scream at the top of our lungs. We all do it. She loves it. It's deafening.
A few things she has especially loved today are:
* Walking in circles. She has learned to walk in circles today. She keeps one foot still and moves the other one around and around.
* I was working on invitations for Trey and Dillon's birthday party tonight and using a return address stamp (that you push down and it pops back up) on the envelopes. She was sitting in my lap. Once she saw what was happening, she began laughing. After just a few of them, she was cackling. When I let her do it, even funnier!!
* She is a climber! She likes to stand on the seat of her fleet of ride-on toys. She also particularly enjoys climbing up on top of the stool that has long been where our laptops sit. She REALLY wants to stand up there!!
* Oh yeah, and she loves cookies. :)
1 comment:
I so enjoyed reading this! I am so happy that everything is going so well for you all. Love you all!
Elizabeth, Dalton, & Carter
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