Friday, December 7, 2007

Day 7 in Nanchang continued

This is the famous Dennis. Trey and Dillon love him and always seem to know where he is. He has been a fantastic guide for us. He takes care of an immense amount of work for 11 families and has been a true help for all of us.

This is typical Coee in action.

I love my big brothers!!!

More personality!!!

This is the Teng Weng Pavillion that we visited yesterday. They light it up for the weekends and it is gorgeous. We can see it out our hotel window and from the restaurant we ate at tonight.

Day 7 in Nanchang continued

Well, I am going to write the rest of this, Michelle is already in bed trying to rest up for our day tomorrow.

Coee had another great day today. She played in the floor of our room for a long time today and required little supervision. She was just playing by herself, with us and with the boys very contentedly. She is even more playful than yesterday and is really showing her personality.

When we leave and go somewhere, she is perfect. She sits in her carrier (Ergo baby carrier plug!), and just hangs out, naps and makes faces!!

She is very good and is awfully funny. Tonight at dinner, everyone was a little surprised at how loud she can be, how well she can walk with almost no help and her social interaction skills.

Trey and Dillon also continue to impress. A different lady tonight at dinner told us how impressed she was with how they play/take care of Coee and how they behave. We told her that we were also very proud of them.

We are headed to Guangzhou tomorrow and are anxious to see how Coee does on her first plane trip in the morning!


Anonymous said...

The boys seem to be doing so well with her and she definitely will be ready to run and play right along with them when she gets home! She is so adorable! She looks so spunky and full of life. How many teeth does she have? Just wondering, because Carter still doesn't have any. I can't wait to see how him and Coee react to each other, they will be buddies!

Love and miss you all,

Elizabeth, Dalton, & Carter

Mike said...

Very much enjoyed the posting today, once again it makes one proud live in the country we live in. I don't think I would eat the duck!!!
Hugs to everyone!!!
Love Granddaddy Mike