Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Typical one year old

Over the past couple of weeks, Coee has developed a talent of typical one year olds - getting into EVERYTHING! If we leave the tissue box within her reach, she takes each and every tissue out of the box. Same with the wipes. She enjoys perusing the kitchen cabinets to see what she can find, causing Dillon to now have rubber bands wrapped around each and every door knob in an effort to keep her out of the cabinets. He is our official rubber band police. ("Dillon, we need a rubber band over here!")

This morning she got into our office cabinet, quickly and effectively removing all of our extra file folders, printer paper, checks, check registers and blank cd's. Dillon was the first on the scene of that event too. Maybe he has a future in law enforcement. Later, after Dillon and Trey had left for school, Coee was playing in their room. I had closed all of the closet and bathroom doors in that end of the house, so there wasn't anything that she could and shouldn't be getting into except.......something that I knew we had and I had been looking for it. Aparently Trey or Dillon had "stashed" it somewhere in their room; somewhere that I couldn't find it. However, Coee had no problem....

Nobody wanted this giant chocolate bar, did they?

I DO love chocolate after all.

This is much better than the eggs, toast and yogurt you fed me earlier!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Trey & Dillon's Birthday Party!

Trey and Dillon had their 9th birthday yesterday - February 2. They wanted to have their birthday party at the skating rink. We had about 30 kids and many adults. Everybody had a great time !

Dillon working on one of his tricks.

Their tutor/friend Ellie even stopped by for a few minutes and gave them one of their favorite things - a huge bag of gum. Thanks Ellie!

Coee liked watching the skaters and dancing to the music!!
Happy birthday Trey & Dillon!!

Cake. Yumm!

It takes two tables for a double-the-fun twins party!!

P - Peanut Butter... & Jelly!

Coee loves her P B & J sandwiches!! She also loves the camera. This is just a few of the pictures I took during her lunch. The other 10 -12 are just like these....HUGE SMILES!!

Snow Days & Another Lost Tooth

We have had an exciting extended weekend. Trey and Dillon were out of school on Thursday and Friday for snow and ice. It wasn't much, but just enough to make the roads slick and allow for a bit of playing in the snow. (Oh yeah, and to land Terrell in the ditch backwards within a half mile of our house! ) Dillon pulled yet another tooth on Thursday. The last one he pulled was on the plane on the way to China. Here are some pictures of the two...I'll do better with order next time!
The "After" Shot

I pulled my tooth. Now I'm going to hurt you. Don't laugh while I'm trying to hurt you!

The "Before" shot

Trey loves to eat ice (and snow.) I guess he got this snow off of the deck, which I suppose I prefer over the frozen water out of the cat dish episode from last week.


A moment of peaceful snow play ...