Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ice Ice Baby

We had a pretty major ice storm here last week. Trey and Dillon got out of school mid-day Tuesday, and then were out Wednesday and Thursday. There was enough snow one day to play in the snow. However, the lack of snow did not prevent playing outside. They snowboarded down the steep hill behind our house on Wednesday. After the snow melted but there was still a bit of ice on Thursday, they switched to "mud-boarding" the same hill. There were quite a few homes without power for anywhere from a few hours to a few days, and many trees to clear from power lines, the roads and yards. But it was pretty.

The view from our shower window. This is ONE of the views I dreamed of when we designed our shower with a window in it!! (You can't see it, but it was snowing. Beautiful!!)


Our icy woods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heyy you guys wats up? lol we have all this ice at our house! on my way to class me my friends all tripped and fell. haha. so yea im SOO EXITED that youguys are coming in. its my away message on aim and al my friends are calling me a spaz. o well i cant help it i just cant wait to see you guys!!♥♥♥
