Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Camping Trip

Coee had her first camping experience this past weekend. We had planned on going up to the lake to celebrate my Dad's birthday with everyone and then come home, but we decided around noon to spend the night. We rushed around in a frenzy and packed everything for it and headed to the lake. It was great weather for her first camping outing and we had a great time!!

Coee's first morning of camping included Granddaddy Mike delivering breakfast-in-bed/tent: powdered donuts and bananas. What's not to like?!

On Saturday night, we had a huge gathering around an awesome campfire. My Uncle Will even brought his guitar and sang a long and varied list of requests. Coee LOVES music and LOVED "helping" Great Uncle Will play. He even let her hold a collection of pics!

This is Coee getting her first look at this thing called a tent. "We're sleeping in here?"

"I'm not so sure, but I'm just going to go with you on this...."

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